Posts tagged summer
Sophia Fall Children's Session 2020

Sophia is my little cousin, but we don’t get to see each other very often. When she does come in for visits we always get to do a little session. She’s one of my most favorite tiny best friends and she always brings a sparkle for all of her sessions. It’s not just a sparkle, it’s a spark. A spark of imagination and of wonder, seeing the world through her eyes is such a wondrous experience.

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Sarah and Brandon in Downtown Chattanooga, Midday Summer 2019 Session

Sarah and Brandon traveled to Chattanooga from Kentucky to spend some time visiting her family. Even though this was my first time meeting them both, it felt a lot like hanging out with old friends.We laughed and joked and tried to find patches of shade to hide from the harsh sun in! These midday sessions are turning out to be some of my favorites, the colors are so crisp and I am really loving the shadows and contrast!

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Gerry and Ansley Downtown Chattanooga Summer 2019 Session

Gerry reached out to me wanting to schedule a session for him and his daughter Ansley. They were traveling to Chattanooga from Nashville for the weekend and wanted some fun, candid shots to document their vacation. When they first arrived, Ansley was being shy and hiding behind her daddy’s back. She came out of her shell pretty quickly when I started talking about adventure. We started at the Walnut Street Bridge and walked down to the Passageway, we got our feet wet and then made our way back to the Ice Cream Show for a snack to cool down with.

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