Posts tagged brainerd
2019 MCHS Senior Rep Jade

I choose my Senior Reps each year, very, very carefully. I pay more attention to who they are as a person than I do what they look like. I chose Jade because she’s active at her school and super sweet. Jade is in Beta Club, Student Council, the Ridley Rowdies (our local school’s version of the pep club!), AND she’s in the Honors Program. But of course, she’s also absolutely stunning. She plans on attending UTK School of Law after graduating and I just know she will achieve all her goals. Be prepared for picture overload!

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Cari Beth and Ben Fall 2018 Limited Edition Session

Full disclosure here: Cari Beth is my doctor, and I LOVE HER. I am so grateful to have found not only an amazing physician - but someone who has experienced a lot of the same things I have in life. So when she started mentioning to me that she’d like me to take pictures of her and Ben, uh- please?! She mentioned in passing that she doesn’t like having her picture taken. But afterwards told me she loves these. And I’m pretty sure that’s the best compliment a photographer can get.

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Brittany, John & Javon

Brittany is one of my most favorite moms. You see, she and I used to share a wall at our old apartment complex. So I sort have had a front row seat to about three years of watching her parent these boys. And she’s INCREDIBLE. She’s doing such a great job by them. They are both sweet and kind and so well mannered. Brittany and I took our sweet time (kind of a bad inside joke) getting this session scheduled but once we did, boom. They knocked it out of the park.

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John 2018 MCHS Senior

Let’s just start out by saying — I LOVE John. I LOVE his mother Renea. They are two of the sweetest and most kind human beings you will ever have the luck of knowing. No long paragraphs here, straight to the portraits.

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Fletcher and Erin Mini Session

A short and quick mini session with the ever adorable Fletcher. I was SO tickled that Erin wanted to be in a few shots! Fletcher is so full of life that even a 10-15 minute session with him turns out so many images!

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Sophia Fall 2018

Every year Margaret brings sweet Sophia to me for updated portraits. Sophia is a little shy in front of the camera (not at all in real life) but it always takes her a minute to loosen up and be herself. But when she does, watch OUT. She’s a complete natural tiny model. At our session she told me all about her Halloween costume, and that she was going to the Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree the next day. Oh, I forgot to mention I am like four months behind on editing lol. Please enjoy these images of Sophia, in the woods, doing her thing and jumping really high.

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