Posts tagged P52
P52 Week 6 - Black and White Landscape

I have been a member of Clickin Moms for a while now. But just haven’t really jumped in yet. I decided this is the year I need to really start shooting more for me. It’s been far too long since I picked up my camera with no expectations. So I joined in a P52. For those of you who don’t know, that’s short for Project 52 and it means you take at least one image a week for an entire year.

I really wanted to take on a P365, but I know with my client workload, I realistically wouldn’t be able to keep up. So here we are, I joined in late, but that’s ok. You can start whenever you’d like. This week’s assignment was to submit a Black and White Landscape Photograph. TRICKY doesn’t even begin to cover it.

I am not a landscape photographer (but gosh, I admire those who are!!). And I am also not even sure this qualifies as a landscape image (lol)! But I LOVE it. I stepped outside my comfort zone, and got to use a skill I don’t often get to use (long exposure photography). I hope you enjoy this! I’ll add my images each week.

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