Kelly Family

This session was SO special to me. For the following reasons: Tia and her beautiful family have been coming to me for Fall Portraits since Adrian was a little baby. Tia was right on the precipice of graduating with her bachelor’s degree as an elementary school teacher. They brought Tia’s mother Tina and her nephew Man AND they brought Tyler’s parents too! Tyler’s mother was my third grade teacher. AND THE BIGGEST REASON WHY THIS WAS SPECIAL: Tia was a few weeks along expecting a sweet new baby and it was still a secret!!

These images are so different from the last time we all had a session together. Our last session I carefully arranged them, made sure their hands were in the perfect spots, “tilt your head and look at me”. We didn’t do any of that this time. I had the kids race and love on their parents and grandparents. I asked Astaria to tell me jokes. I had mommy love all over her baby boy. The portraits you hang on your wall should be of what you guys actually look like, what you guys actually do. It’s time to play, it’s time to hug and love, it’s time to laugh!

Tia, thank you for trusting me with your family portraits again. I LOVE capturing your family as it grows!!
