The One Where Leigh Ann got Covid


December 16th I started feeling run down. I assumed it was exhaustion, this is my busy season and I was overworked and so tired. By December 18th the congestion, cough and complete lethargy set in. I went to Fast Pace on the 19th. They gave me a rapid test, negative. The dr said I had viral bronchitis (Ryder was sick for approx 3 days before I got sick). He said the rapid test is only 40-50% accurate, but he really believes it was bronchitis. He said to me “if we do the send off test you’ll be forced to quarantine for three days when you don’t need to.” So I took him for his word and went home and rested.

I was really, really sick for about a total of five days. My nose was pouring, congested and I had post nasal drip. Diarrhea, headaches, body aches, a fever, fatigue, a deep cough, and so much chest congestion. I stayed home and rested. I cancelled sessions. But after I started feeling a tiny bit better, I did go out a few times. I went to the gym twice (I was outside my contagious window) and Walmart. I went to a few stores in Chattanooga to finish Christmas shopping. But the amount of people I’ve actually come in contact with during my contagious window was very, very small.

Fast forward to yesterday, I am still not feeling normal. I am literally so tired I haven’t done anything. For something like 14-15 days. I’ve slept and watched movies and slept more. And I’ve had bronchitis before, this isn’t bronchitis. So I made an appt with my actual doctor and went and was tested again. A send off test that’s accurate. They called this morning to let me know I am positive for covid.

I’ve contacted everyone I can think of that I have seen. Again, that list is very, very short. But in the off chance I forgot someone in this fog I’ve been in, if you have come into contact with me between the 16th-26th, you need to watch yourself for symptoms. If you present with any symptoms, you should be tested.

Ryder was sick for three days but nowhere near as bad as I was. We honestly thought he had a sinus infection. Gracie is being tested this afternoon. Ryder obviously already has had it and we won’t be having him tested since he’s fine now. Please pray that Gracie doesn’t get sick like I was. Hopefully her symptoms stay mild, even more hopefully they are only sinus related. I am feeling better, but I’m not. The cough and congestion are agony. DayQuil helps the cough. But the body aches and just being so run down is lingering and awful. My doctor has a couple of prescriptions for me that hopefully will have me back to normal.

In case there’s anyone out there who still doesn’t believe this virus is real, hi, Leigh Ann has had it. It’s horrible. You don’t want it. Wear your mask. Stay home. Wash your hands. And get the vaccine.